X APDEA Congress & IV ESADR 2022

Coimbra, Portugal, 14-16th September 2022
X APDEA Congress & IV ESADR 2022:
Territories, Agriculture and Agri-food: global challenges and risks in the 21st century

The Portuguese Association of Agricultural Economics (APDEA) with the support of the Brazilian Society of Economics, Administration and Rural Sociology (SOBER) will hold in 2022, in Coimbra (Portugal), at the School of Agriculture (ESAC) of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC), the X Congress of APDEA and the IV Lusophone Meeting on Economics, Sociology, Environment and Rural Development (ESADR) from 14 to 16 September 2022, in a hybrid format.

The event focused in the theme “Territories, Agriculture and Agrifood: Global Challenges and Risks in the 21st Century”, aims to reflect on agri-food and forestry systems, territorial cohesion and the climate transition phase that we are all facing.
Developing resilient agri-food and forestry systems capable of crossing the digital transition and promoting population maintenance in depopulated territories with environmental protection needs, is a challenge and a risk.
Population growth and the awareness that our natural resources are scarce and finite and that the world is one in terms of social balance allows to refocus the debate and place agriculture at the centre of attention.

The Organizing Committee of the X APDEA Congress and the IV ESADR invites to the submission of proposals for thematic sessions and abstracts for oral communication or poster presentation.

The Organizing Committee will prepare a special issue with the best articles to be published in the Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural (RESR, SOBER) and in the Revista de Ciências Agrárias (RCA, SCAP).

The conference will be held in the center of Portugal, in the city of Coimbra, UNESCO World Heritage City, a place of cultural, historical, political and scientific confluences. City with multiple academic traditions and cradle of many political and social Portuguese revolutions.

Thematic Session Submission: February 15, 2022
Submission of abstracts or abstracts: March 15, 2022
Communication of acceptance of abstracts or abstracts: March 31, 2022
Full or full paper submission: May 15, 2022
Communication of acceptance of the full paper or full paper: June 7, 2022
Full or full paper submission accepted: June 21, 2022